Visualizing Flight Routes with Flow Map in Power BI
Data Analyst
Data Visualization
In this self-directed project, I developed a "Flight Routes Map" dashboard in Power BI by following a tutorial from Yiannis Pitsillides on YouTube. The focus was on creating a flow map visualization to represent flight routes from point A to point B. Additionally, I used this project to explore Power BI’s UI customization features, applying principles from my UI/UX background to improve the overall look and usability of the dashboard.
By recreating the tutorial’s steps, I practiced importing and formatting data, customizing visuals, and enhancing design elements for better user engagement.
Research & Setup
Reviewed the tutorial and set up the Power BI workspace. Imported flight data from an Excel file and prepared it for visualization.
Design & Implementation
Designed and placed slicers for filtering data by continent and airline. Customized the flow map layout and title for clarity and consistency.
Review & Deployment
Tested the dashboard for interactivity and usability. Adjusted the visuals and layout to ensure a polished, professional finish.
Flight Routes Visualization
Developed an interactive flow map showcasing flight trajectories with filtering options for deeper insights.
Enhanced Visual Design
Applied a consistent design theme, including a custom background and transparent overlay, to improve aesthetics.
User-Friendly Filters
Added slicers for continent and airline, making the dashboard interactive and easy to navigate.